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Disaster Financial Assistance (DFA)

After a disaster, the provincial government may declare the event eligible for Disaster Financial Assistance (DFA). On this page you will be able to access the correct portal for your application type.

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Local Governments and First Nations

For homeowners, residential tenants, small businesses, landlords, farms, and charitable organizations the DFA program may provide applicants with financial assistance to restore uninsurable losses that are essential to your home, livelihood, or community service.

Private Sector information… >

For Indigenous communities and local governments, the DFA program may provide communities with financial assistance for damaged infrastructure.

Public Communities information… >

For homeowners, residential tenants, small businesses, landlords, farms and charitable organizations to create a profile or check your application status, log in with your BC Services card.

For Indigenous communities and local governments to check the status of your application, log in with your Business BCeID.

Phone Illustration

Contact Us

For questions or more information, contact the Disaster Financial Assistance team toll-free at 1-888-257-4777 or by email at for individuals, small
businesses, charitable organizations, and farms or for local governments and Indigenous Governing Bodies.

Send DFA Technical Support inquiries here.